Remove canceled meeting resource calendar

Remove Meeting from Resource Mailbox Calendar

To remove canceled meeting requests from a resource mailbox calendar let’s take a look on the serverside functionality with the help of the following example :

A user makes a new meeting request and sends it to a resource mailbox. The meeting will be placed  in the calendar of the user and in the calendar of the resource mailbox. The status in the resource calendar stays tentative.  Some minutes later the same user wants to delete the meeting ( for whatever reason ).

Because he is not the delegate / owner of the resource mailbox he just can cancel the meeting in his own calendar. The result is that the canceled meeting stays in the resource calendar just labeled :  canceled.

This comes because the AutomateProcessing Parameter within the Get-CalendarProcessing CMDlet is set to AutoUpdate. AutoUpdate places the meeting in the calendar of the resource mailbox and updates it to tentative. On the other hand the cancel request will not be processed with AutoUpdate, instead just the owner of the resource mailbox can remove these canceled meeting requests from the calendar.

To remove canceled meeting requests from the resource mailbox calendar we need to modify the AutomateProcessing parameter :

Setting the AutomateProcessing parameter to AutoAccept will place the meeting requests as accepted meetings in the calendar and will process the cancelation requests for meetings directly , without any intervention of the owner. This keeps the resource calendar clean and transparent.

First we need to know the values of following CalendarProcessing Parameters :

Get-mailbox -OrganizationalUnit “TenantName” -Identity “ResourceMailboxName” | Get-CalendarProcessing | select AutomateProcessing, RemoveOldMeetingMessages

To allow users to remove canceled meeting requests these parameters should have the following values :

AutomateProcessing  :  AutoAccept
RemoveOldMeetingMessages :  $True

The values can be adjusted as follows :

Get-mailbox -OrganizationalUnit “TenantName” -Identity “ResourceMailboxName” | Set-CalendarProcessing -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept -RemoveOldMeetingMessages $True

To use it in a 2010 MultiTenant environment replace -OrganizationalUnit with -Organization.
To use it on an OnPremise server just leave -OrganizationalUnit or Organization away.

Your users will now be able to remove canceled meeting requests from a resource calendar.

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